All It Takes is 3 Steps!

Create Account

Create a Safespy account and get a subscription for iOS devices.


Enter the iCloud credentials of the iPhone you want to spy on.

Start Monitoring

Use Safespy dashboard from any web browser to monitor your child's activity.

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Safespy- Parents Asked, We Answered

iphone spy app for parents

Create Proper Phone Usage Rules

If children are uncontrolled, they will keep using their phones for all through the day. The tricky part is that once they have their phone, it can become hard to control them. Therefore, with Safespy's Parental Monitor, you can create appropriate usage limits for your child so that their phone does not affect their life negatively.

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Protect Your Child

Internet is full of dangerous content that can scar your child or even harm them seriously. Therefore, you need to make sure you can prevent this from happening by monitoring your child's internet activity. Use Safespy to learn which websites they are visiting and who they are talking to. Block access to anyone and anything they shouldn't be in touch with.

Get started now

Know their secrets, keep tab on them 24x7.